I’ve been asked if I have any T20 Triumph Tiger Cub centre / main stands for sale.
Given that they are very hard to source, I have held on to my centre stands for my own planned projects. However, I have now decided to slim down to planned Cub projects, so expect to see quite a few parts come up for sale. If there’s something you’re desperate for, let me know. I will have a look.
There are some differences in centre stands for the T20 Triumph Tiger Cub. Now, there may be more types, but I have a few. The centre stands for the earlier 16″ wheel models are proving difficult to find but I have one stand that is 1″ shorter than the other one. This is despite the part numbers on the legs being the same on each stand. The numbers are F3764 and F3765.
The other type is the much simpler (and later) BSA Bantam one that was used on the T20B Super Cub. These are much easier to find as you can buy them new. OEM is 90-4729.
Stand 1: 1″ taller than Stand 2.
Stand 2: Probably suitable for the 16″ Chubby T20 Tiger Cub
Stand 3: Bantams and T20B