Sell your prewar Douglas Motorcycles, Projects, Spares

Sell your prewar Douglas Motorcycles, Projects, Spares

  I am interested in adding prewar Douglas motorcycles to my collection. I also have a small queue of Douglas Motorcycle Club members looking for a range of early Douglas motorbikes, projects and spare parts.

If you have anything from just a few parts, through to a complete collection of Douglas motorcycles, in any condition, please let me know.

If you are in the UK, or Europe, I can arrange a visit to discuss a suitable arrangement.



Free valuations.

If you are just looking to assess what you have in value, or if you need a probate / estate / will valuation, I will be happy to help.

I am courteous and punctual. Please contact me here and I will respond.



Current specific needs include:

Any Douglas 2-3/4 H.P. model. It doesn’t matter if it’s a box of bits, or a complete motorcycle. I already have a 1915 Douglas and I am looking for a few more for my friends to ride.

Either a Dirt Track DT5, or a Speedway SW5 in any condition. A frame and an engine is a good start, but a complete bike is preferred.

Parts for Douglas 2-3/4 H.P. including the 1920’s models, TS, W, 3SC, SW, CW, EW.


Get in touch if you are looking to sell your prewar Douglas Motorcycles, Projects or Spares as long as they are Douglas motorcycles / parts and before 1940.