Some Velocette engine and gearbox plates. Mostly KSS Mk1

Some Velocette engine and gearbox plates. Mostly KSS Mk1

Some Velocette engine and gearbox plates. Mostly KSS Mk1 with one marked Venom.

This post is for Pawel to view. If he doesn’t want these items, they will be offered up for sale. This is what the labels say.

  1. Velocette KSS Mk1 FK27 rear engine plates. (There’s 2 here and they are slightly different shapes, so please look at the images)
  2. Possibly MAC post-war  MSS or Venom plates (pair)
  3. Velocette KSS Mk2 FK26/ FK27 Front engine plates (pair)
  4. Possibly Velocette KSS Mk2 / Iron MSS to later sprung frame, Front engine plates (pair)
  5. Velocette Venom / Viper plates (Two pairs)
  6. One labelled unknown but looks like a head steady to me.


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