T20 Tiger Cub in trail trim

T20 Tiger Cub in trail trim

When I bought this Cub a few years ago, I never thought I’d consider selling it.

Well, here I am toying with the idea. I have to say I’m only considering it because a recent acquaintance has asked if I have any Cub projects that I might sell. As it happens, I have a few projects and I will offer him one.

However, people have different perspectives on what we call a “project”. Some just want a running bike that they can polish up and change a bit to suit their taste. Others, like me, want a pile of parts that we can horde for years, do nothing, then admit that we will never build it.

The eagle-eyed among you will spot that the carb is a Mikuni. Well that’s because the little Amal’s aren’t the most reliable and they don’t have a choke like the Mikuni. It works for me. I love a bike that’s easy to start.

So, my friend will get a choice of three. This Trail version, a full-on Trials Cub with all the right bits in the right places and a load of boxes with enough parts to make the original Standard T20 from.